MSO2024 |
Tektronix Mso2024 , Tektronix Mso2024 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Provides Powerful Performance And Benefit-packed To |
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MSO3012 |
Tektronix Mso3012 Oscilloscope , Tektronix Mso3012 Mixed-signal Oscilloscope Provides Powerful Performance And Ben |
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MSO3014 |
Tektronix Mso3014 Oscilloscope , Tektronix Mso3014 Mixed-signal Oscilloscope Provides Powerful Performance And Ben |
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MSO3032 |
Tektronix Mso3032 Oscilloscope , Tektronix Mso3032 Mixed-signal Oscilloscope Provides Powerful Performance And Ben |
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MSO3034 |
Tektronix Mso3034 Oscilloscope , Tektronix Mso3034 Mixed-signal Oscilloscope Provides Powerful Performance And Ben |
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MSO3054 |
Tektronix Mso3054 Oscilloscope , Tektronix Mso3054 Mixed-signal Oscilloscope Provides Powerful Performance And Ben |
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MSO4034 |
Tektronix Mso4034 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (mso) Provides All The Features And Benefits Of The Dpo4000 ( Dpo4000 Series Digital Phosphor Osci |
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MSO4034B |
Tektronix Mso4034b Oscilloscope , Tektronix Mso4034b Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Provides Feature-packed Tools To Sim |
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MSO4054 |
Tektronix Mso4054 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (mso) Provides All The Features And Benefits Of The Dpo4000 ( Dpo4000 Series Digital Phosphor Osci |
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MSO4054B |
Tektronix Mso4054b Oscilloscope , Tektronix Mso4054b Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Provides Feature-packed Tools To Sim |
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MSO4102B |
Tektronix Mso4102b Oscilloscope , Tektronix Mso4102b Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Provides Feature-packed Tools To Sim |
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MSO4104 |
�, Tektronix Mso4104 Oscilloscope, Tektronix Mso41044 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (mso) Provides All The Features And Benefits Of The Dpo4000 |
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MSO4104B |
Tektronix Mso4104b Oscilloscope , Tektronix Mso4104b Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Provides Feature-packed Tools To Sim |
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MSO5034 |
Tektronix Mso5034 Oscilloscope , Tektronix Mso5034 Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope Provides Feature-packed Tools Tha |
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MSO5054 |
Tektronix Mso5054 Oscilloscope , Tektronix Mso5054 Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope Provides Feature-packed Tools Tha |
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MSO5104 |
Tektronix Mso5104 Oscilloscope , Tektronix Mso5104 Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope Provides Feature-packed Tools Tha |
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MSO5204 |
Tektronix Mso5204 Oscilloscope , Tektronix Mso5204 Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope Provides Feature-packed Tools Tha |
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MTG100 |
Tektronix / Sony Mtg-100 Generates Mpeg-2 Transport Streams For Circuit Design Evaluation And Conformance Testing Of Compressed Digital Video Prod |
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MTX100A |
Tektronix Mtx100a Mpeg-2 Recorder And Player Offers A Flexible, Affordable Solution For Design Evaluation And Conformance Testing Of Digital Video |
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P5205 |
Tektronix P5205 Is A 100 Mhz Active Differential Probe Capable Of Measuring Fast Rise Times Of Signals In Floating Circuits. 1,300 V Differen |
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P5210 |
Tektronix P5210 Is A Differential Probe That Is Capable Of Measuring Floating Voltages Up To 5,600 V (dc + Pk Ac) Safely And Has A Bandwidth Up To |
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P6021 |
Tektronix P6021 Ac Curprobe Provides Versatile Ac Curmeasurements. Accurate Curmeasurements Over A Wide Range Of Frequencies. P |
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P6139A |
These Tektonix P6139a�oscilloscope Probe�feature Modular Construction, Hybrid/smt Circuitry, A Smaller Probe Head/cable Assembly Than Traditional Pass |
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P6207 |
Tektronix P6207 Active Fet Probe Is A Low Circuit Loading Signal Acquisition Probe. P6207 Provides A Very Wide Bandwidth And Low Input Capacit |
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P6217 |
P6217 Probe Is A Low Circuit Loading Signal Acquisition Probes For Csa (communications Signal Analyzers), Dsa (digitizing Signal Analyzers), 11000 |
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P6243 |
Tektronix P6243 Active Probe, The�tektronix P6243 Active Probe Is A High-performance Probing Soluttion That Provides The Electrical And Mechanical |
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P6245 |
Tektronix P6245 Active Probe, The�tektronix P6245 Active Probe Is A High-performance Probing Soluttion That Provides The Electrical And Mechanical |
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P6248 |
Tektronix P6248 Differential Probe Features: Bandwidth: Dc To 1.5 Ghz Common Input Voltage Range: 7.0 V, 1x, 7.0 V, 10x Differential Input Vo |
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P6249 |
Tektronix P6249 Probe, With Tekconnect Interface (may Also Be Used With Conventional Bnc Interfaces Via The Tektronix 1103 Tekprobe Power Supply)� |
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P6303 |
Tektronix P6303 Curprobe Is Identical To The Tektronix�a6303 Probe. It Offers A Wide Range Of Curmeasurement Capability For The Lab And |
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P7240 |
Tektronix P7240 Probe With Tekconnect Interface Is A High-performance Active Probe With High Bandwidth And Low Capacitive Loading To Make It The P |
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P7260 |
Tektronix P7260 Active Probe Provides High-bandwidth, Low Circuit Loading, Low Noise And Accurate Probing Solutions For High-speed Circuit Designe |
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P7330 |
Tektronix P7330, Tektronix P7350 High Bandwidth Differential Probes Offers Superb Signal Fidelity, Meeting The Needs Of Engineers In Design And |
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P7380 |
Features Of The Tektronix P7380 Differential Probe Include: Signal Fidelity:, >12.5 Ghz Bandwidth (p7313 Only, Typical), Low Probe Loading |
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PB200 |
Tektronix�pb200 Is Particularly Suited To Packet Based Systems. It Is Ideal For Component Or Sub System Development Testing Of Tdma, B-isdn, Fitl, |
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PS280 |
Tektronix Ps280 Dc Power Supply Is A Multifunction Benchtop Or Portable Instrument. It Is A Regulated Power Supply That Provides Fixed 5 V Output |
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PS5010 |
Designed For Use In The Tek Tm5000 Series Mainframes, The Tektronix Ps5010 Programmable Power Supply Provides A Complete And Rapid High Performance So |
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PS503A |
Tektronix�ps503a Power Supply Provides Three Outputs: +5 V At 1 A, 0 To +20 V, Or 0 To -20 V At 1 A (in High-power Compartment Of Tm504 Or Tm506) |
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RSA3408A |
Tektronix Rsa3408a, Tektronix Rsa3408a Real-time Spectrum Analyzer Allows Users To See The Frequency And Amplitude Of Rf Signals Changing Over |
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RSA3408B |
Tektronix Rsa3408b, Tektronix Rsa3408b Real-time Spectrum Analyzer Is Part Of The Mid-range Of Performance Spectrum Analyzer Series. It Deliver |
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RSA6114A |
Tektronix Rsa6114a, Tektronix Rsa6114a Realtime Spectrum Analyzer Will Help You To�easily Discover Design Issues That Other�signal Analyzers Ma |
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RTD-710A |
Tektronix/sony Rtd710a Provides 10-bit Vertical Resolution At Sample Rates Up To 200 Ms/s. With Four Times The Resolution Of An 8-bit Digitizer An |
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SA2600 |
Tektronix Sa2600 Spectrum Analyzer With Field-ready, Rugged Hardware Featuring Outstanding Displayed Average Noise Leve |
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SC504 |
Tektronix Sc504 Oscilloscope Module Provides A 2 Channel,�80 Mhz Bandwidth, 5 Mv/div Maximum Sensitivity And 5 Nsec/div Maximum Calibrated Sweep R |
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SD14 |
Tektronix Sd14 Is Ideal For High-speed Device Characterization Such As Ecl, Cmos, Acl And Gaas Testing. 100 Kilohm Input Impedance And 0.5 Pf |
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SD20 |
Tektronix Sd20�sampling Head Is Designed For Low Loss Testing In Applications Such As Microwave R&d. Acquistion Rise Times Of 17.5 Ps, With Typica |
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SD22 |
Tektronix Sd22 Is A Dual Channel, 12.5 Ghz Sampling Head Specfically Designed For Low Noise Measurement In Digital Communications And Devise Chara |
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SD24 |
Tektronix Sd24 Sampling Head Has A Rise Time Of 17.5 Ps Or Less, With A 20 Ghz Equivalent Bandwidth. Each Channel Of The Sd24 Is Also Capable Of G |
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SD26 |
Similar To The Sd-24 With Out The Tdr Step Generators. For Use With Tds11801x, Csa8xxx Series.other Features And Specifications Include: Dual Chann |
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SD43 |
Tektronix Sd42, Sd43, Sd44 And Sd48 Are Optical-to-electrical (o/e) Converters For Use With The Tektronix Csa803 And 11800 Series Sampling Oscillo |
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